Wednesday, February 25, 2015

What Would Your Baby Look Like ?

What Would Your Baby Look Like ?

Designing babies is the process in which a person can examine the genetics that he/she chooses to insert into the newborn. Designer babies are genetically formed, usually for the reasoning of a desire of selected traits, and this can cause lower-disease chances. In addition, the opportunity to choose your child's’ gender is given to your advantage, although, designer babies tend to be a science fiction concept. On the up side, the baby could be born with no genetic diseases which means that they get to pay less money spent in the future. In addition, the baby would be as attractive as you wanted and the baby could help another child that might be in need. Believe it or not, but designing babies increases human life s pan up to 30 years! Although, designing babies unfortunately deletes the surprise factor. If the process is not done carefully, the embryo could be accidentally terminated and alos, could create a gap in society. “Designer” babies would most likely be better looking, smarter, etc. On the other hand, this could create “classes” between designer and non designer babies. The procedure is not cheap, therefore, not everyone can afford it. In our opinion, we believe that designing babies is not the right option to do and the con’s definitely outweigh the con’s.
Designer Babies. (2015). In Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from
Designer Babies. (2015). In Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from
What is a designer baby? (n.d.). Retrieved February 26, 2015 

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