Designer babies are artificial embryos that are modified at the embryonic stage to predetermine intellect, physical prowess, beauty, and other possible traits. To make these babies they must go through processes of genetic screening and virto fertilization, aka VIF. “A woman's eggs are surgically removed and fertilised in a laboratory using sperm that has been given as a sperm sample. Next, the fertilised egg, called an embryo, is surgically implanted into the woman's womb.” (IVF Technology, 2013)
One benefit of being able to “make your baby,” is that you can make sure that there are no diseases that can be genetically passed on. “For example, many genetic disorders are caused by mutations in either x or y chromosomes. Certain genetic diseases are passed down by males in the family, therefore the parents may want to avoid having a male child to prevent the disease from continuing in the family.” (Designer Babies, 2012)
There are many risks to having a genetically designed baby. Sometimes the baby or embryo can die in a short amount of time. Also, the baby could come out deformed and with mental and physical issues. Another risk is by giving a baby certain desirable traits, it might change society and the viewpoint on what attractive is or isn’t. “Current techniques of genetic modification introduce genes at random places in the genome. We should be concerned about the possibility that an inserted copy of NR2B may arrive in the target genome in a way that disrupts the function of another gene crucial for survival.” (ActionBioScience, 2015) Lastly, there is the risk of cloning a child. Each person is born with their own characteristics, but with designer babies, choosing the same desirable traits may result in cloning and confusion.
Interviewee (i.e parent) | Question |
1. Mrs. Rosen | Q: What is your view point on designer babies? Would you participate in that action? A: “The idea is cool and kinda syfy but personally wouldn’t participate, mainly because I believe the risks of manipulating genes could make your child in danger.” |
2. Austin Wright | Q: What do you think of designer babies? A: “I think designer babies are a good way to have your child carry specific traits if the parents really want them.” |
3. Graciela Mora | Q: What is your viewpoint on designer babies and would you do it? A: “I don’t agree with it, there are so many cons about this.” |
4. Kaylee Sterling | Q: What is your opinion on designer babies? A: “My opinion is that it’s kinda cool but I don’t care what parents do with their kids.” |
5. Makenna Poushay | Q: What is your viewpoint on designer babies? A: “I would never do it in my life or do it to my child. It is so dangerous. I can’t believe parents do this to their kids.” |
Ofri and I believe that it’s interesting and cool that genes could be modified how people want to. We believe that parents should do what they want with their child and decide their traits. We believe that parents and all human beings have the freedom to do what they want to their kids except from abuse. Personally, Ofri and I wouldn't do it because many risks can happen such as mental disorders and or physical disabilities and the cost is outrageous.
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