Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Build a Baby Workshop

Kayla G.

Intro Video:

What is a "designer baby"?
A designer baby is a term coined to denote a child whose genetic characteristics have been changed at the embryonic stage (4-6 weeks of pregnancy). Genetically modifying an offspring permits the ability to change characteristics such as physical or behavioral characteristics.

Why is it important to science?
It is important to science because genetically modifying babies can possible lead to a generation of "super humans". There is a possibility of being able altar its intelligence allowing a smarter generation of people.

Why is it important to human culture?
It is important to human culture because this process allows for people to choose the characteristics of their own child, including race, skin color, eye color, and hair color. The process of genetically modifying your own offspring to fit a certain image might allow for even ore diversity between people or allow many people to look very similar.

Why is important for the economy?
It is important for the economy because it is possible for scientists to genetically modify an offspring to prevent genetic diseases such as down syndrome and prevent inherited diseases such as cancer and diabetes.

1) Prevention of genetic diseases (ex. down syndrome)- The prevention of genetic disease will lower the amount of people that suffer from genetic disease. Future generations will be disease free and may live a longer, better life.

2)Reduces the risk of inherited diseases (ex. cancer, diabetes)- Millions of people suffer from inherited disease like cancer and diabetes. Genetically modifying an offspring will prevent or lower the risk of that person contracting that disease.

3)Genetically modify an offspring to be more intelligent- Genetically modifying an offspring to be more intelligent will allow generations of intelligent people. These people might be the future discoverers of new planets, galaxies, cures, and more. Those people may even be the future inventors of things we never thought would be possible.

1)Because the technology of genetically modifying an offspring is so new, it is uncertain if the offspring's gene pool will be affected.

2)The embryo can be damaged if the process is not done carefully.

3)Some people may use the process for superficial reasons such as creating a superior race.

4) "There are heritable diseases coded by mutations in DNA." -Professor Perry. Altering the offspring might create a new disease that future generations may inherit.

Interview Questions:

Do you believe it is wrong or unnatural for scientists to tamper with genes of an unborn baby to prevent disease?
A: "I believe that it is unnatural because the baby could still be a carrier of the disease because it could be a recessive trait. If that baby were to grow up and have a child of its own, there may be a chance that the other parent could also have the recessive trait for that disease and pass it down to the offspring." - Karen S. (pharmasist)

Would you change the physical characteristics of your child if you were to have one in the future?
A: " I would not change the physical characteristics of my child. If would feel like I'm making a piece of art work or making a doll. If my child isn't happy with the way they look then they could easily just dye their hair or wear colored lenses to change their appearance." - Julia R. (Parent of  3)

Considering both the positives and negatives for designing your own baby, would you want to have your child genetically modified?
A: "I would not want to have my child genetically modified. Although there is a possibility you could get rid of diseases like cancer and diabetes, there is still a possibility for something to go wrong. I would rather live with the possibility of my child getting diabetes than to live with the possibility of the baby dying before it was ever born." Karen S. (pharmacist)

Why do you believe parents would want to "design" their own babies?
A: "I think it depends on the parent. Some people might just want to genetically modify their own baby to change what they look like if there aren't any diseases that will be passed down. Other people might have a valid reason like if they had an inherited disease that they don't want their child to inherit they might change that part of the baby." Shaniya A.

If you were to design your own baby what would you change?
A: I would get rid of the inherited diseases and prevent the genetic disease. That is pretty much the only thing I would change. I wouldn't change its physical characteristics because I want my child to look like its parents not like someone else's kid." -Marielle C.

I believe the concept of genetically modifying an embryo to design your own baby is both good and bad. I believe that it is an amazing concept of being able to prevent many disease and being able to give your offspring intelligence. Although I believe it is an amazing concept, it seems like some people will use this just to change what their child would look like which seems immoral. This topic would impact me in the future, just not the stage of life I am currently in. I believe humans should consider re-designing life but to a certain extent.

APA Citations:
Lerner, Adrienne Wilmoth (2012) "Designer Babies." Biotechnology: In Context. Retrieved from

Gale (2015) “Designer Babies” Retrieved from

Gale (2015) “Designer Babies” Retrieved from

Scutti, S. (2014) Designer Babies: Fertility Clinic Investigates Grown Up Results of Genetically Modified Babies

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