Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Cloning is something we all want to experiment with but can have dangerous impact. Without the correct knowledge scientist can spark something catastrophic that can affect others. One method of cloning is by taking fragments of the females DNA another way is producing an identical version called twinning. A good thing about cloning is the medical ways it can help us out. Cloning has a lot of debate with it some say cloning crops or livestock may help end world hunger others are hoping for more medical terms. Cloning humans has been outlawed in many countries. As we learn more about genetics maybe in the future cloning may be a big part of our lives. Cloning humans has been a huge talk for a while. many would find it inhumane others may expand science and our new tech. As in  many place forbid you from the practice of cloning humans. With this tech there can be a new medical expansions such as cloning organs for a transplant. Replicate (a fragment of DNA placed in an organism) so that there is enough to analyze or use in protein production.
Risks of cloning is unemployment, diseases, unidentification, and the cost.
Cloning is a very cool thing to happen but it comes with some risks. For example, it can cause unemployment because lots of jobs would not be going on anymore because everyone will look the same so it would not be necessary for there to be models anymore.Also, cloning can cause diseases. This is because you can still carry cancer or if you clone someone who had the disease the clone would carry that disease too. One of the big things that would happen is unidentification. This would happen because if everyone looked the same no one would know the difference between the people. Lastly, the cost would be a big risk. The cost would be greatly and that can be a problem because if you would want to clone a lot of people it would cost a lot.
    Cloning can help to eradicate diseases and abnormalities. It can also help to get rid of life threatening diseases. In addition to this, it can be used to create people who are made with certain traits to do certain jobs. This can both help the human race and destroy it. It all depends on how these abilities are used.

Interviewee (i.e parent)
What are your thoughts one cloning.
How do you feel about cloning crops and livestock
If you had the chance to get your self cloned would you?
What would be an advantage of cloning.
What is a disadvantage of cloning.

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